Retreat – part 1 – the venue!

The inaugural Perth Modern Quilt Guild retreat was held at the Sisters of St John of God Conference Centre Shoalwater, which is about half an hour south of the city of Perth.

welcomeblog1We arrived to find our wonderful conference organiser, Danielle, had been hard at work. Can you spot where we needed to go?


No? How about here?


Not yet? Does THIS make it obvious?baloonsblog

Yup, our sewing room was all ready, from midday Friday through to Sunday. That’s 48 hours sewing…puttingbannerupblog1Of course, sewing is hard work, and we couldn’t be totally selfish about doing it ALL weekend, so we kindly offered to help out a couple of massage students who needed to work up some hours to finish their diploma.

And when you have a massage, you have to drink PLENTY of fluids.



… even if they are chilli flavoured vodka and ginger beer….

A few tell-tale signs of the night before were evident the morning after.

glassesblog morningafterblogHowever plenty of sewing WAS done… but I will leave that for another post!