New Membership Application

Thanks for your interest in joining the Perth Modern Quilt Guild!

Please click on the below button to apply for membership.

Our membership fees for the financial year (1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024)

  • Standard membership – $80 per annum
  • Senior/Student membership – $65 per annum
  • Country/regional membership – $62 per annum

(** If you are joining after the 1 January of any given year, your memberships fees are half the annual fee.)

Payment details are contained within the application form. Please note, we no longer accept cash for membership fees at meetings.

** Please ensure your name is in the payment description and email [email protected] to let us know when you have paid. **

Please note, membership is not automatic, our constitution states your application requires approval by the PMQG committee and to be considered a financial member to have voting and full access your annual membership fee needs to be received via direct deposit.

Please feel free to contact [email protected] for further information.