Book review? Don’t mind if we do!

A while ago, Capricorn Link Books contacted us to ask if we’d like to review some craft books. We said “Yes please” and they sent us this pile…


We decided we’d let our members fight over have a chance at reviewing a book, so this week, we’re going to email members and offer them a book for a month to write a little review for the blog.  You don’t HAVE to make something from the book, but a photo or two would be nice… If you’re not on our mailing list, there’s still time to sign up. We are letting our country members have first bash at them, so wait for the email then drop us a line…

First up for grabs is Malka Dubrawski’s Fresh Quilting. 

Second (and this one has already gone to our bona fide beginner Mel), Beginner’s Guide to Quilting… 
Thirdly, Dessert Roll Quilts.

Book Four, which may have also been snaffled by a country member, Di, is Quilting Modern. (Sigh. I was lusting over this one. No perks to being President.).


Doodle Stitching (this one wasn’t named by an Australian, was it?) is next on the list. Any stitching enthusiasts out there? I have to say, the Sashiko tempts me…


I’ve lost count as to where we are up to by now, but Japanese quilting almost got torn apart at the Committee meeting. We asked Gina if we could baggsy committee privileges, and the spoilsport told us no, it wasn’t fair. If no one else wants it, Karen and I will arm wrestle. Being a yoga teacher, she’ll win.)
Finally, there are three Tilda books – Tilda’s Winter Ideas, Tilda’s Studio and Crafting Tilda’s Friends.


Keep an eye on your in-box, and if you really can’t wait, Capricorn supply their books through a number of vendors, including Can Do books in Australia.