Archive For The “Blog” Category

November Meet Up

Our final meeting for 2014 wrapped up today in a bundle of sewing, socialising and show & tell. A lovely turn out with lots of regulars and a new face revamping her mum’s retro curtain quilt. Jodie did a great job updating us with committee news and a shout out to Karen, we are all…

October Meet up

Another really well attended meeting with a few new faces and lots of regulars to welcome them! Everyone found a spot to sew, a cuppa and, if they were lucky, one of the amazing scones with jam and cream…. Emmy provided members with the final installment of the QAYGFMQAL by showing us how to join…

September 21 Meeting

Hi All.  It was terrific to see so many returning and new people at our September meeting – despite the foul weather conditions! The meeting was highlighted with Laura continuing her demonstration of QAYGFMQAL.  Over the last three meeting Laura has inspired many with her passion for free motion quilting.   Members and visitors always…

It was a glorious day…..

Our August meeting held on the 24 th was such a beautiful day. We opened up the doors of the hall so that we had a view of the dogs and their owners on the oval and set up the room for a busy afternoon of sewing. I always love catching up with my Quilty…

A Quilty meeting in May

It was the same weekend as the biggest Quilt Fair on the Perth calendar, so it was not surprising that our get together was all abuzz with fabric talk and comparisons of special purchases. We were all enthusiastic and very busy. The afternoon began with lots of chatter and socialising in the kitchen area. We…

March madness meeting

Phew, so much going on last meeting! We’ll let the pictures tell the story… Suitcase sale Modern BOM See p 186 of your book – 3 Wishes Finished Quatrefoil from last year’s Modern BOM Low Volume swap Free sewing New friends Mod Mini Challenge announced That was SO much to fit into one meeting, we’ve…

PMQG Meeting of 26 May

We had a great turn out at our latest meeting with lots of new faces and fabulous quilts.    Along with good food and good conversation we had Gina give us a lesson on bag making    And Emmy demonstrated and showed off blocks from our our latest BoM entitled Fussy Cut Critters and Bugs….

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